10 teasers for 1×08 ‘The Furies’

Digital Spy have posted their 10 teasers for this week’s episodes.

1. Pythagoras is the latest character to seek solace from the Oracle (Juliet Stevenson).

2. “Perhaps your reputation as a man of courage is unfounded…”

3. No sign of the Royal family this week – or Jemima Rooper’s Medusa.

4. “I’ve put all of that behind me…”

5. Someone socks Jason in the jaw!

6. “Mark my words, she’ll bring misfortune on us all.”

7. Ariadne might have competition – a glamorous new lady joins our heroes on their quest…

8. “You’re too heavy!”

9. ‘The Furies’ is possibly the darkest episode of Atlantis to date…

10. “I’m going to kiss you!”

Which of the 10 are you excited to find out about?

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